Sports massage has become a staple of wellness programs for many Americans today. When we envision sports massage we draw imagery of muscular athletes receiving painful deep tissue massage. However this doesn't fully encompass what sports massage is. So what is sports massage? Traditionally, sports massage is a methodology of massage used to facilitate optimal performance for an athlete through out the training cycle and sporting events. This ranges from fast paced warmup style massage before an event to deep tissue massage to relieve tight and sore muscles post event or during the training cycle. Typically when speaking of sports massage, people are referring to a deep tissue style massage that helps to aid in muscle recovery, mobility, and pain relief. Benefits of Sports MassageAdding sports massage to your wellness routine can have amazing benefits. Ranging from but not limited to:
Sports Massage vs. Deep Tissue MassageSince the terms are often used synonymously, are they the same thing? Not Quite. Deep tissue massage refers to a modality of massage characterized by deeper pressure. Sports massage is often, but not always, deep in nature. Sports massage typically has a goal in mind, sometimes that goal requires deep pressure but other times it requires lighter pressure or something different altogether like stretching, myofascial cupping, myofascial flossing, or muscle scraping. In conclusion, sports massage is a methodology of massage that can include multiple modalities of massage in order to improve an outcome whereas deep tissue massage is simply one modality of massage. Do You have to be an athlete to benefit from sports massage?
Sports Massage and Deep tissue massage in Sacramento area, Davis CAIf you would like to receive sports massage or deep tissue massage in Davis CA, we offer 55 minute ($85) and 85 minute ($115) sessions at Milestones Movement Therapy. At Milestones we classify all massage as sports massage, so whether you are looking for traditional deep tissue massage or a finely tuned sports massage we have what you need!
Milestones Movement Therapy is a private personal training and sports massage therapy studio located in Davis, California (Close to Sacramento). Our goal at Milestones is to help you achieve YOUR goals ranging from rehabilitation to performance. We see a variety of clients from professional athletes to active gym goers to those just getting into exercise and fitness. We help people rehabilitate musculoskeletal injuries, set and crush fitness goals, and optimize performance and body movement to maximize results. We understand that navigating the world of fitness and rehabilitation can be overwhelming. This blog was written to help you understand what we offer and how these offerings can help you get to where you want to be! How are We different?Milestones Movement Therapy was founded by Miles Gorder in Davis California in 2017. Miles is a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist with over 5 years of experience in the field. Miles specializes in rehabilitating musculoskeletal injuries and building strong bodies via optimizing movement. Movement is a hot topic in today's world of health and wellness. Movement minded professionals are becoming more and more common in the fields of rehabilitation and fitness. But what does it mean to be a movement minded professional? Ultimately, movement minded professionals believe that the way in which we move, not just how often we move, has major implications in our performance and injury outcomes. Milestones Movement Therapy is a team of like minded movement professionals with a mission; move more and move often, but above all move better! What we Offer and How it can Help youIf you are in the Davis or Sacramento area and are looking for help with fitness or rehabilitation, we have a service for you. Below are the services we offer and detail who they benefit most. Personal Training in DAVIS, CALIFORNIA
Who benefits from personal training? The simple answer, anyone! We have clients who are just taking the first step to improving their health and fitness as well as clients who are looking for more sophisticated training programs and coaching. We can even help you optimize your movement patterns to get the most out of your existing training programs. What is the cost?
Massage Therapy![]() Massage therapy has long since been a staple of the wellness programs of many individuals. Massage may help increase circulation, decrease body pain, improve range of motion, decrease stress, and when done consistently is a nice compliment to an active lifestyle. At Milestones we offer two types of massage, sports massage and medical massage. What is sports massage and who can benefit? Traditionally, sports massage is a methodology of massage therapy used to enhance athletic performance and recovery at different stages of a training cycle. Today, sports massage has developed into a term that typically refers to a full body deep tissue massage thats aimed at helping active individuals manage musculoskeletal pain, increase range of motion, and increase circulation enhancing recovery. At Milestones we use a combination of techniques to provide these benefits including deep tissue swedish massage, trigger point therapy, facilitated stretching, and myofascial cupping. Each massage can be tailored to the needs of the individual. Just tell your therapist what areas you would like to focus on! Sports massage does not require you to be an athlete. Anyone can benefit from sports massage. It can be used to help manage aches and pains for both active individuals and individuals who should be more active! What is Medical Massage? ![]() Medical massage is a therapeutic massage designed to facilitate rehabilitation of a variety of conditions and injuries. Medical massages are body part specific, meaning that if you have pain in your shoulder, the entire massage is dedicated to rehabilitating the shoulder instead of the whole body therapy you would receive in a sports massage. Our massage therapists delivering medical massage have a deep understanding of anatomy and manual therapy techniques to help facilitate recovery. We use a combination of deep tissue swedish massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial cupping, muscle scraping, and Rocktape based on how the injury is presenting. Medical massage can be beneficial for a variety of ailments including but not limited to; musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, piriformis syndrome, TMJ, tendinitis, and more! What to wear for your massage? Massage at Milestones is semi clothed. This means that we work with as much skin as possible while keeping you partially clothed. Most women wear athletic shorts (higher up the thigh) and a racerback/tank top/or ideally a sports bra. Most men wear athletic shorts and a tank top or ideally go shirtless. If you are uncomfortable dressing in any of this attire, we offer draping for those that request it. Is massage safe during the Corona Virus Pandemic? During the Corona Virus Pandemic we have increased our safety protocols (to learn more about if massage is safe during The Covid Pandemic, click here). What is the cost?
Movement Rehabilitation TherapyMovement Rehabilitation Therapy (MRT) is a form of musculoskeletal rehabilitation designed as an alternative to Physical Therapy using dysfunctional movement to guide rehabilitation protocols. MRT analyzes your movement patterns, functional strength, mobility and stability to help uncover repetetive strain patterns that may be attributed to your pain. After a movement assessment, typical MRT sessions consist of manual therapy combined with corrective exercises designed specifically for you to re-educate your body into better patterns and habits. Who can benefit from MRT? Typically those with chronic musculoskeletal pain have the most to gain from trying MRT. We see a variety of musculoskeletal issues ranging from, tendinitis, arthritis, bulging discs, SI joint pain, pirifomis syndrome, sciatica, and more! We also can work in conjunction with Physical Therapy and post Physical Therapy to continue your rehabilitation once insurance ends. If you are suffering from an acute injury such as a sprained ankle, torn tendon/ligament, or broken bone you need to seek medical care from your doctor or call 911 immediately. What is the cost? Rates: $120 for 55 min $80 for 40 min Buy 12 (hour long) sessions for $1200 ($100 per session) YOU CAN BOOK AN MRT SESSION HERE We always see our clients for their initial appointment for an hour. Follow up appointments can sometimes be done in 40 min and other times in 55 min depending on the specific issue. The appointment times will be determined by the client and therapist during the initial visit. Clients working through injury with MRT can vary with time of recovery time. We typically see an average recovery time of 3 months but can be as fast as 1 month and as long as 6 months. Every body and every specific case is different. Unlike traditional physical therapy we do not limit your treatment based on insurance claims. Do you take insurance? We do not accept insurance. We do this because insurance can limit treatment durations and pigeon hole treatment modalities. We find that clients seeking MRT need outside the box thinking and insurance restricts this. We DO accept HSA cards.
AuthorMiles G. CMT, CPT, FMS Miles is a Certified Massage Therapist (CMT), Functional Movement Trainer (CPT) and owner of Milestones Movement Therapy in Davis CA. Miles and his team specialize in taking clients from pain to peak performance.
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